At the Dancing Goat Farm the chickens are housed in many cages that are located throughout the property. The quails are all housed in a separate area that has about 100 quails that produce eggs which are sold at the local markets. The quail area is an open air enclosure that offers the quails protection from the weather but still allows them to be outside. The quails are delicate and vulnerable to small animals that are looking for a quick snack and it is hard to watch them all the time. Well about a year ago one of the roosters who name is Motley injured his leg with his own spur and had to be separated from the other chickens to give his wound time to heal. Pam decided to put Motley in the enclosure with the quails because it would be a quiet place for him. As time went by Motleys leg got better but Pam also noticed that Motley had started to act very protective of the quails and their enclosure. If anything entered the quails enclosure Motley would crow as well as protect his territory. Since Motley has been in the enclosure there have been very few incidents or attach's. Also when it is time for me to clean, feed and gather the eggs Motley always welcomes me with a friendly chatter and allows me to do my work without any incidents he is a true gentleman. At one time Motley was a just another rooster on the Dancing Goat Farm but after a small injury he found his true purpose on the farm the Quails Security Guard. Well check back soon for more photos and stories from the City Boy on the Farm.
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