Friday, April 25, 2014

Sitting on Bing Eggs

I have been helping out at the Dancing Goat Farm for about five month's now. I was originally lead to the farm by my polish rooster Bing who I rescued from my neighborhood. When Pam the owner of the farm meet Bing and I she welcomed us both into her Dancing Goat Farm family. Bing is about a year old now and he lives in a nice large enclosure on the farm with three wives. I felt that it was time to have some Bing babies so on April 19th I gathered four fertilized eggs from Bing's wives and placed them in a special nesting cage. I then went into one of the big chicken enclosures in the front of the farm to try and find a hen that was broody. When a hen is broody it means the hen is ready to sit on her eggs and hatch them. A broody hen not only sits on and hatches her own eggs but will happily sit on and hatch other hens eggs as well. After looking for awhile I found a hen that I thought would be perfect for the job. I carried the broody hen to the special nesting cage and as soon as I put her in the cage she got very excited and started to rearrange the eggs putting them in a neat pile. When the hen felt the eggs were where she wanted them see settled down on top of them and made herself right at home. It has been about a week now and the hen is still sitting on the eggs doing a great job. I really look forward to seeing Bing's babies it takes about twenty one days for chicks to hatch so I will make sure to keep everyone posted on their progress. Well it's time for another weekend on the Dancing Goat Farm so check back soon with the City Boy on the Farm for more stories, pictures and information.

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